Thursday, February 11, 2010

Leukemia Nature Treatment

Many people are now looking for natural cures to things such as leukemia. This is becoming more and more common among people suffering from this disease. There are many reasons why people have to find natural remedies for their ailments. Some of them are, because the patient can not, as the chemical treatment the doctor is offering. There can be serious and dangerous side effects and the patient can not find it worth the risk. If this is the case, then you can use natural treatments to help in their battle. Surely there must be hope, because there are options for those seeking a cure for leukemia of nature there.

Medical treatment of leukemia

The main medical treatment for leukemia is chemotherapy. The effects of chemotherapy may be detrimental to the patient in many ways. The patient may receive the fatigue and feel they want to get out of bed. This can lead to depression and depression is far from good when you're trying to get your body to heal. Chemotherapy can also cause nausea or vomiting is a side effect that many people simply do not like. You may feel very badly and that is not always good to get your body want to heal well.

Another common side effect of chemotherapy is often lost hair. This is undesirable and may be something many are unwilling to treat. With chemotherapy may have lost all his hair and then you are in need of a wig just to hide the fact that her hair is. You can also lose a lot of weight too. This mainly could be the cause of nausea and vomiting that allow you to be able to eat or even retain the amount of food.

Natures cure for leukemia

One of the most common known cures leukemia is vitamin A. It is said that vitamin A had cure rates considerably since the studies have been done on it. In studies of vitamin A are injected directly into the fat of the person with leukemia. This deposit of vitamin A is said to be deposited in a bubble of fat "or" fat bubbles "to increase or improve the bioavailability.

There were 34 patients who were in the study and all were receiving vitamin A. Of these 34 patients who received vitamin A, 10 of these patients who still cancer-free after five years, although none of these patients received chemotherapy treatments. This was said to be surprising for those who preformed the study.

These patients received only vitamin A for the natural treatment that did not receive any of the other natural resources that have been shown to help with leukemia too. There are many other herbs and vitamins when taken in combination with vitamin A that is believed to increase the success rate of vitamin A treatment.

Colon Cancer Warning Signs Ignore

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hodgkin's lymphoma Hodgkin's Disease Thomas Hodgkin

Hodgkin lymphoma (also known as Hodgkin's disease) is the name of its discoverer, Thomas Hodgkin. This disease is characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in the body. This type of cell can be seen in the histopathological study and are usually found in malignant B cells.

These malignant B-cells grow in number, eventually causing a tumor in a lymph node or lymphoid tissue, such as bone marrow or spleen. Because of this tumor, the affected tissue loses its function, leading to stop the deterioration of the body. This disease is characterized by metastasis is ordered. If the cancer started in the lymph nodes in the neck, lymph nodes are affected, one by one, the cancer was seen in lymph nodes near the collarbone, then in the armpits, and so one.

Peaks of Hodgkin lymphoma occurs mainly in males than females, aged between 15-13 years of age above 50. What is also striking in this condition is that in the microscopic studies, more than normal cells found in lymph nodes compared with malignant cells. The cause of this disease is still unknown, however it appears that if one twin has it, the other is also at risk for Hodgkin lymphoma.

Most Reed-Sternberg cells were also observed to be infected with Epstein-Barr virus, the infectious agent of mononucleosis. Exposure to Agent Orange and the prolonged use of human growth hormone can also be explained as a factor in obtaining Hodgkin's lymphoma. Conditions that compromise the immune system such as HIV or AIDS also predispose to this disease.

Patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma usually have these classic signs and symptoms:

Drenching night sweats.

Sudden and unexplained weight loss

Lymph nodes are characterized as rubber and pain located in the neck, underarms and groin

Feeling tired easily

Unexplained fever that goes on and off

The itching is not related to any skin condition

When detected early, Hodgkin lymphoma shows high survival rate, making it a curable forms of cancer known to man. With proper management and treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma is still very curable, even in the later stage.

Tests colonoscopy is

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cutaneous lymphoma is

Cutaneous lymphoma is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving the skin cells, specifically T cells and B cells This is a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma tumor growths are seen primarily as numerous lumps under the skin surface and not only in the lymph node.

The bumps formed beneath the skin of cutaneous lymphoma is due to a collection of malignant cells in the skin. In an attempt to purge the system of mutated cells, the body pushes clustered malignant cells to the surface of the skin. The most common type of cutaneous lymphoma is cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The disease manifests itself in several stages:

Pre-stage - the skin is presented with raised, red spots that appear on the breasts or buttocks and in some ways mimics the appearance of skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. ?>

Stage of the plate - the spots are irregular and can appear anywhere on the body. Hair loss in the affected skin area was also observed, and may be permanent if the condition is not treated.

Tumor stage - the impact of people progressing to this deer is very small. The plates can now be smooth and even ulcerate. The lymph nodes are involved. The liver, lungs and spleen is also at risk of being affected by cutaneous lymphoma, but the cases are very rare.

Sezary Syndrome - that is when the cancer has spread and covers an area of skin large. Malignant cells also have spread into the bloodstream. Some patients have plaques or tumors, but the Integumentary system everything can be swollen, red and sore (rouge l'homme). The peeling of the skin may manifest themselves or peeling skin.

Cutaneous T-cell origin is treated through a specific or a combination of treatment modalities ranging from topical to systemic or local. PUVA treatment is a combination of psoralen and UVA. After taking psoralen, the patient enters a locked room where the UVA rays are applied to the skin. However, special care should be given because it is known that exposure to UV rays can predispose a person with skin cancer. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy is also done to help cure cutaneous lymphoma.

Cutaneous lymphoma may be difficult to treat so it can cause severe changes in their appearance. A support group can help fight the disease, both in their physical and psychological aspects. Talk with friends and family in hard times, and ask your doctor to refer you to a support group to help understand and cope with the effects of cutaneous lymphoma.